
Huxley's a special kitty. I've never met a cat so willing to play at the drop of a hat. She's a happy cat. Always wanting to be happy and make others happy.
Huxley's a tough kitty too. She's battled infections, a serious wound on her foot, and seizures. She's always beaten it. However, it was the disease she was born with that she could never beat.
Huxley died this evening. Her leukemia she was born with finally became too much to overcome. She was young, only six-years-old, but that's pretty old for a cat with leukemia. Huxley was an indoor kitty, but is now in a soon-to-be beautiful new garden. She finally able to be outdoors with the birds and blowing leaves she loved watching all day.
I remember first seeing Huxley. My mother picked her out from the pound as a gift for me. Huxley was very tiny, barely over a month old. She literally could sit in my hand. She was kind of a runt even all grown up, but I've never met a cat with as much personality as Huxley.
I'll miss so much about her. I loved the ways she slept. She could curl up into a basket much too small for her and somehow stay comfortable.

Most of all, I'll miss the constant companionship Huxley gave me. She was always at the door to greet me when I came home. After work she would jump up on my lap and rub my chin with her face for what seemed to be forever..... always excited to just be near somebody that loved her back. Everybody loved her back too. I know countless people that say they're not "cat people" but love Huxley. She was something special.